At the beginning of each year, you are bound to be asked, What’s your New Year’s resolution? The idea of a change, a new hobby, or the abandonment of an aspect of everyday life seems to start for many in the early weeks of January. However, does it continue? Does it really “work?” And most importantly, does anyone participate anymore?
As someone who rebels against the norm of creating a New Year’s resolution, many ask why I do not participate. The idea of starting the new year by fulfilling a goal or beginning a new habit is so widely commercialized and accepted, yet very rarely does anyone stick to it.
This time of year, there are an insurmountable number of businesses that aim to benefit those attempting to make a change in their lives. The question I have always asked myself is: Why not start now?
This question, I believe, lingers in the back of the minds of many; however, the trend of a resolution for the upcoming year gives many an excuse or reason to procrastinate the beginning of a new goal.
As a society, I feel as though completing a goal, starting or quitting a habit, or generally making a change should be celebrated throughout the year. The pressure of having to abruptly begin a change instead of a graceful progression creates an unnecessary level of stress, which can lead to discouragement. Why not begin the New Year’s resolution whenever we see fit?

To gain the opinions and perspective of another college student, I asked a second-year CLC student, Daisy Rubio, to give her take on New Year’s resolutions.
“Personally, I think a New Year’s resolution is a good thing,” Rubio said. “I believe it encourages people to realize what they want to work on or improve in their lives. However, I think it is also important to continue it, not just for a shortened period of time.”
Rubio said that her new year’s resolution is to continue to exercise and improve her health.
When asked about the stress and pressure that come with making changes during this time of the year, she said that it is better to recognize that one is making an effort to improve themselves.
“To an extent, I think I haven’t been up to the expectations I set,” Rubio said. “But I am doing better, which is important to recognize.”
But does the factor of stress make one more or less likely to complete or achieve their resolutions?
Rubio said that the stress is exhausting, but then said, “But it is also motivating; it truly depends on the day and what I have going on.”
And yet, why do so many people procrastinate until the new year to make changes in their lives?
Rubio said that people tend to take their time to realize and reflect back on their year to see what they want to change. “But everyone also created a need for a resolution when the end of the year approaches,” she said.
With every new goal, it is important to recognize the importance of taking steps along the way. A New Year’s resolution does not have to wait until the new year, nor does it have to be achieved in one foul swoop.
It is important to consider, if you are making a goal, who it is for. New Year’s resolutions can be anything you want them to be! So, resolution or not, ring in the new year looking forward to what is to come!