North Park University becomes a CLC Transfer Partner
Nyvall Hall (Theological Seminary) of North Park University in Chicago. Photo by Anthony Barlich/Wikimedia/Creative Commons/(CC BY-SA 4.0)
April 21, 2022
CLC has welcomed North Park University as a transfer partner. Located in Chicago, North Park University has been around since 1891. It has an acceptance rate of 47% and a student body of approximately 3,000. The tuition rate is $29K a year for students interested in financials, and many scholarships are available.
CLC academic advisor Nicole Herion weighs in on the status of this new university.
“Students can study in Chicago and have access to all their majors, or they can study right here at the university center, which is great for those who want to stay local,” said CLC academic advisor Nicole Herion. If students follow the specific program requirements, they will be guaranteed admission.
“I have had some students express interest in North Park in the past,” explained Herion. “However, whether a student attends a public or private college or university is a very personal decision, and each individual must weigh the pros and cons for each of the schools they are interested in. [The] most important [thing] is the ‘fit’ of the college for the student.”
NPU is equally excited about the partnership with CLC.
“We have a neat and unique relationship with [CLC],” said NPU transfer specialist Ashley. “There’s only five programs and majors offered. We use the university center for the school of professional studies for students at CLC.”
Ashley explained the logistics of the transfer program and who this program might be best suited towards.
“[The semesters are broken up] into Quad A and Quad B (seven-week course lengths), and you can start any time of the year and complete the courses at the university center, [including] evening and online courses,” says Ashley. “This program is really meant for the working adult who is working 9-5 or those who have children.”
A common concern among students in choosing where to complete their higher education beyond CLC is the financial costs. The partnership with NPU allows students to cut costs on earning their degrees.
“I think I would stick with [a] public [school for after CLC] because it’s a more affordable option for college,” said Lizette. “[Especially] in state at that, there’s more financial help nationally that we would receive.”
The partnership with NPU might also sway students who are hesitant to continue their college education. By partnering with CLC, students can ease into the idea of a 4-year degree at a school they are already familiar with and through a program with guaranteed admission, which can take a load of the stress off. Additionally, students can stay close to home and avoid the room and board costs required to live in Chicago.
“I’ve only ever really been at public schools, so I might just stay with them,” says current CLC student Wendy. “I didn’t originally plan to go to college, but after seeing CLC, I changed my mind.”
“CLC is a great way to start college,” said former Western Illinois University student Steven. A primary reason he decided to leave WIU was because of his poor experience on campus. “I wasn’t really enjoying myself, and I think CLC is a good social environment for students.”
If you are hesitant about beginning a four-year degree, whether, for the first time or the tenth time, CLC’s transfer program is here to help you. Stop by CLC’s advising center in room B118 and see if their transfer program and NPU are a good fit for you.